Plumb Peak Formula

Operational Excellence Training.

Plumb Peak Formula is the field application of Executive Command Dynamics by Strategy Resource International of Grand Junction, Colorado.

Management Directive Specialist & Troubleshooter, Guy Masterson, is contracted or hired-on to help an organization coordinate operations for the sake of efficiency, productivity, orientation to council objectives, deepening of policy adherence, staff retention and general excellence by clarifying command goal communication and adapting or building training systems to elevate members to peak plateau performance levels.

In a specific period of its develpment, an organization has a healthy & balanced Plumb Peak operational capacity.  Plumb Peak, is the true peak performance range and there is always a formula, a plan for the utilization of various resources in appropriate quantities to bring the organization’s operational output into a sustainable excellence.

Plumb Peak performance is not an over exertion that drives employees into turnover and it is not an idealist soft dream point where theoretically everyone will be happy forever.

Plumb– means the true essence of a thing, straight vertical, or to determine and understand the actual situation.

Plumb Peak Formula- means the correct balance of resources, policy, timing, management policy enactment as well as intangible variables utilized to bring an organization into its true and correctly discerned, healthy, optimized high output operational pace and manner.

Real sustainability in keeping an organization with the prescribed measures of Plumb Peak operation involves a significant amount of coordination and training staff at all levels.  The organiztion needs to develop a reasonalble self-modulating capacity so that formula elements are adjusted on small scales and wide variations in productivity and general harmonic balance are prevented or minimized.

Training Self-Modulation

Training Self-Modulation, building in the ability to regulate factors to stay in your power window is a central focus in how we go about the entire process of tuning your organization and staff development systems.  In the long run, it works best to start with the ultimate goal on the table; we want this group to run like it can and should and we want it to keep doing so.  We need to teach the organization by feel or “muscle memory,” what it is like to run right and while we are tuning for optimized results we are teaching the training systems how to recalibrate when portions of the circumstance change.  How do we do this?

The key is in the formula.  In an organization of multiple divisions, there are formulas within formulas.  Each segment needs to be taught to recognize the variables in other segments and in the whole that indicate the need to shift their specifice department’s formula variables.  Again, the easy way to do this is by feel.  We want the different sectors to get used to adjusting with and against eachother.

Chain of command feeds authority from greater perspective all the way to the trenches.  In the trenches we can’t tell what’s going on, but we can respond to the manager’s direction and understand many of the formula variables and operational objectives and how they apply.  When we feel it work, we learn hard and fast.  Soon, coordinated adjustments are doable.

A Word On Workplace Environment

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