First Meetings

In many cases, before arranging a first meeting, we will request from the client various forms of information and, when appropriate, contacts, so that meeting time may be on good speed.

As ever, we emphasize the importance of setting a proper pace in the estimation of change taking hold.  The most common mistake, that has foiled many excellent propositions, is forcing a game plan on players that haven’t had the chance to acclimate.

Naturally, the priority remains on the balance of driving towards new results and tapping prudence to ensure the smoothest progress possible.

The first goal in initial meetings is to arrive at a shared feel, or, “Handle,” on the elements of the circumstance.  Putting actions into place without this first step prevents the kind of careful shaping of management directives that we are all about.  Benjamin Franklin, in addition to starting the first American fire protection company, has made the right point; indeed, haste makes waste.

We will need to take some time together to build a capability and comprehension basis.

Company Optimization & Leadership Consultancy